Odyssey is a 1.10.2 Kitchen sink pack, with many of your favorite mods from 1.7.10 and some new ones added in there as well. This pack has a variety of mods including tech, magic, exploration and adventure, such as RFTools, Biomes O' Plenty, EnderIO, Blood Magic, and Roots. It also has a slight hardcore aspect to it, such as needing water to drink. You start with 5 hearts if your playing on normal, 8 hearts on easy and 3 on hard. This makes the pack slightly more challenging.
This pack is currently in beta. I have a few friends testing the pack for me. I will release server files once I feel the pack is stable enough.
Its recommended to have at least 4GB of ram in order to play this pack. There are 138 mods, this number may change in the future.
Mod List:
- BdLib (by bdew)
- Advanced Generators (by bdew)
- AppleCore (by squeek502)
- BetterAchievements (by Way2muchnoise)
- Blood Magic (by WayofTime)
- Baubles (by azanor)
- Botania Unofficial (by williewillus)
- Crafting Tweaks (by BlayTheNinth)
- Default Options (by BlayTheNinth)
- EnderCore (by tterrag1098)
- Ender IO (by CrazyPants_MC)
- Extra Utilities (by RWTema)
- FFS - Fancy Fluid Storage (by Lordmau5)
- Forestry (by SirSengir)
- Gendustry (by bdew)
- Guide-API (by TehNut)
- Inventory Tweaks (by Kobata)
- Iron Chests (by progwml6)
- JourneyMap (by techbrew)
- Mantle (by mDiyo)
- McJtyLib (by McJty)
- CraftTweaker (by jaredlll08)
- ModTweaker (by jaredlll08)
- Just Enough Items (JEI) (by mezz)
- Just Enough Resources (JER) (by Way2muchnoise)
- NetherPortalFix (by BlayTheNinth)
- NoNausea (by lumien231)
- OpenFM (by MichiyoRavencroft)
- Pressure Pipes (by bdew)
- Random Things (by lumien231)
- Reliquary v1.3 (by P3pp3rF1y)
- Resource Loader (by lumien231)
- RFTools (by McJty)
- Roguelike Dungeons (by Greymerk)
- Chameleon (by jaquadro)
- Storage Drawers (by jaquadro)
- Super Crafting Frame (by Edgar_Allen)
- Tails (by KitsuneKihira)
- Tinker I/O (by gkbm2011)
- Tinkers Construct (by mDiyo)
- Pam's HarvestCraft (by MatrexsVigil)
- FTBLib (by FTB)
- FTB Utilities (by FTB)
- Soul Shards: The Old Ways (by SgtPunishment)
- ElecCore | Rendering Library (by Elec332)
- Deep Resonance (by McJty)
- Psi (by Vazkii)
- Quark (by Vazkii)
- RFTools Dimensions (by McJty)
- Fast Leaf Decay (by lumien231)
- BetterBedrockGen (by Gigabit1011)
- CraftingCraft (by BlayTheNinth)
- Enderthing (by gigaherz)
- Storage Network (by MrRiegel)
- Underp Hangables (by masa_)
- Chisels & Bits (by AlgorithmX2)
- Roots (by elucent)
- ShetiPhianCore (by ShetiPhian)
- Platforms (by ShetiPhian)
- Meme In A Bottle (by mrbysco)
- FloodLights (by Keridos)
- Charset (by Vazkii)
- Simply Caterpillar (by The_Fireplace)
- NotEnoughCodecs (by OpenMods)
- OpenRadio (by XDjackieXD)
- Bullseye (by Glitchfiend)
- GravelMiner (by BlayTheNinth)
- Better With Mods (by BeetoGuy)
- Tool Head Swapper (by Ellpeck)
- Useful Nullifiers (by Bartz24)
- TAIGA (Tinkers alloying addon) (by Zkaface)
- ShadowMC (by shadowfactsmc)
- Extra Rails (by shadowfactsmc)
- Drawers & Bits (by Belgabor)
- Correlated Potentialistics (by Aesen)
- MalisisCore (by Ordinastie)
- MalisisDoors (by Ordinastie)
- MalisisBlocks (by Ordinastie)
- Morpheus (by Quetzi)
- Immersive Engineering (by BluSunrize)
- Mouse Tweaks (by YaLTeR97)
- OpenComputers (by Kethtar)
- TIS-3D (by Kethtar)
- Waila (by ProfMobius)
- Cyclops Core (by kroeser)
- Common Capabilities (by kroeser)
- Integrated Dynamics (by kroeser)
- Crossroads MC (by Technomancer_isTaken)
- Structured Crafting (by kroeser)
- ZeroCore (by ZeroNoRyouki)
- Extreme Reactors (by ZeroNoRyouki)
- EnderTanks (by ShetiPhian)
- Quick Hotbar (by Kulttuuri)
- Surge (by darkh4x)
- Do It Yourself Decorative Block (by Ordinastie)
- Sonar Core (by Ollie_Lansdell)
- Flux Networks (by Ollie_Lansdell)
- Not Enough Wands (by romelo333)
- AutoRegLib (by Vazkii)
- Controlling (by jaredlll08)
- Item Scroller (by masa_)
- VeinMiner (by Portablejim)
- Aroma1997Core (by Aroma1997)
- AromaBackup (by Aroma1997)
- Aroma1997s Dimensional World (by Aroma1997)
- Bloodmoon (by lumien231)
- Ender Zoo (by CrazyPants_MC)
- Tough As Nails (by Glitchfiend)
- RebornCore (by modmuss50)
- TechReborn (by modmuss50)
- WTF's Expedition: CaveBiomes, Ores, Trees, and Tweaks (by WhiskytangoFox)
- DrCyano's Lootable Bodies (by jriwanek)
- Biomes O' Plenty (by Glitchfiend)
- More Overlays (by feldim2425)
- Progressive Automation (by VanhalMinecraft)
Beta v1.0:
Testing of the pack, including configs, and game play.
Beta v1.1:
Added Chisel Mod
Third Party Mods License:
Mekanism: https://github.com/aidancbrady/Mekanism