Pac's Pack Create +

Pac's Pack Create +


Pac's Pack Create + (PPC) is a 50 mod or less experience, focused solely on Create and Immersive Engineering.

Ironically lighter than Light or LITE, PPC is meant to be a closer to Vanilla experience, with a few major changes.

Is this just Minecraft with Gears and Electricity? Yes.

With PPC, you can use Create to automate things usually unavailable in vanilla, as well as creating industry with immersive engineering and its expansion, immersive petroleum.

some of the smaller mods include Storage Drawers, Torchmaster, Supplementaries, Farmers Delight, Immersive Armors, Carry On, and Artifacts.

Explore a world with player instanced loot, added minerals, full of Oil and ore deposits, which IE can help you reach.

Overall, a fairly minimal experience with two heavy hitters, Pac's Pack Create+ gives you an experience catered to the minimal modder, with the spice of your regular modpacks.

Enjoy your curated selection of (minimal) mods for 1.18.2!