My Other Packs:
- Pickle Pack: Magical 3 (Magic/Questing)
Latest Server Files:
Key Features:
- A unique tech progression!
- A very in-depth quest book!
- Tons of fun reward bags!
- Chance cubes! With custom rewards!
- Custom items!
- Space exploration!
- Pickles!
- Hardcore Quest Mode!
- Challenging!
- But not too challenging!
- Lots of fun tech mods!
- And MORE!
The world around you seems... different. Last night when you went to bed, you wished for a new world to explore, because your world just wasnt good enough for you. Well, your wish was granted. You have been put into a world that hasn't been explored by any of your colleagues before. Using the land, it's resources, and it's creatures, you will be working your way back home. Back to your family, back to all your friends, back to your normal life. Well, it isn't so normal now, is it? You will have some great stories to tell them when you get back...
Useful Information:
- Follow me on Twitter for updates and support! (here)
- If you find any bugs, please don't hesitate to create a bug report! (here)
- Quest icons are square by default, but if you use a custom texturepack it overrides this. Download this texturepack and set it as the first pack. (here)
- Want to voice your opinion of the pack? Or talk to other people who play this pack? Head over to the discussion thread! (here)
- AE2 Stuff - bdew
- AgriCraft - InfinityRaider
- AppleCore - squeek502
- Applied Energistics 2 - AlgorithmX2
- Aroma1997Core - Aroma1997
- AromaBackup - Aroma1997
- BdLib - bdew
- BiblioCraft - JDSinclair
- Big Reactors - ErogenousBeef
- Carpenter's Blocks - Syntaxial
- Chance Cubes - turkey2349
- ChickenChunks - chicken_bones
- Chisel 2 - TheCricket26
- ComputerCraft - dantwohundred
- Cooking for Blockheads - Blay09
- CodeChickenCore - chicken_bones
- CoFH Core - TeamCoFH
- CoFHLib - TeamCoFH
- Connected Glass - immibis (external)
- Custom Main Menu - lumien231
- Deadly World - FatherToast
- Dense Ores - RWTema
- EnderIO - CrazyPants_MC
- Ender IO Addons - Henry_Loenwind
- Ender Storage - chicken_bones
- EnderCore - tterrag1098
- EnderTech - voxelcarrot
- ExtraCells2 - DrummerMC
- Extra Utilities - RWTema
- ExtraTiC - JeanGlassmaker
- Fastcraft - Player
- FastLeafDecay - Olafskii
- GalacticraftCore - micdoodle8 (external)
- GalacticraftPlanets - micdoodle8 (external)
- Gravity Gun - iChun
- Hardcore Questing Mode - lorddusk
- Hat Stand - iChun
- Hats - iChun
- Headcrumbs - ganymedes01
- Hunger Overhaul - progwml6
- iChunUtil - iChun
- Iguanas Tinker Tweaks - bonusboni
- InGame Info XML - Lunatrius
- InGame Wiki Mod - MineMaarten
- INpureCore - denoflions
- Inventory Tweaks - Kobata
- Iron Chests - progwml6
- Jabba - ProfMobius
- JourneyMap - techbrew
- LaunchGui - TehNut
- LunatriusCore - Lunatrius
- Mantle - mDiyo
- McJtyLib - McJty
- Mekanism - aidencbrady (external)
- MekanismGenerators - aidencbrady (external)
- MekanismTools - aidencbrady (external)
- MicdoodleCore - micdoodle8 (external)
- MineTweaker3 - StanH
- MobiusCore - ProfMobius
- ModTweaker - jaredlll08
- Modular Powersuits - MachineMuse
- MouseTweaks - YaLTeR97
- NetherOres - skyboy026
- NotEnoughItems - chicken_bones
- Numina - MachineMuse
- OpenBlocks - OpenMods
- OpenModsLib - OpenMods
- OpenModularTurrets - Poenjabiesous
- Pam's Harvestcraft - MatrexsVigil
- PickleTweaks - BlakeBr0
- Project Red Base - Mr_TJP
- Project Red Compat - Mr_TJP
- Project Red Integration - Mr_TJP
- Project Red Lighting - Mr_TJP
- Project Red World - Mr_TJP
- Reliquary - x3n0ph0b3
- Resource Loader - lumien231
- RFTools - McJty
- Simply Jetpacks - tonius111
- Solar Flux - Nauktis
- Special Mobs - FatherToast
- StartingInventory - bskprs
- Thermal Foundation - TeamCoFH
- TiConAutoToolStation - blubberbub
- TiC Tooltips - squeek502
- Tinkers Construct - mDiyo
- Tinkers Mechworks - mDiyo
- VeinMiner - Portablejim
- VeinMiner Mod Integration - Portablejim
- Waila - ProfMobius
- Waila Harvestability - squeek502
- Waila Plugins - tterrag1098
- Wireless Redstone - chicken_bones