For Servers: Use /botania-skyblock-spread @p[r=3] command (you may switch the number 3 for something else), It sends the target player randomly into the world and creates a GoG skyblock for them.
For Servers: In file place level-type=botania-skyblock
Project Ozone 1/2 Map Stranded made by TheResonantGamer
Use the Garden of Glass world type generation.
It is possible to play this pack in a default, superflat, and amplified world types.
Project Ozone 1.7.10 Mac/Linux
The Simple Achievements book is for the hardcore players or players can handle the grind or players that can handle time consuming tasks.
This modpack starts with you in the sky, while playing there will be quest to complete using the HQM mod. After the HQM you will be granted the Simple Achievements book to complete challenges if you wish to do so. You can choose if you want to stay in the void world or you can move to another dimension. This pack is designed for freedom of choice despite minor setbacks through limited lives, difficult recipes and not being able to use vanilla tools effectively. Newer versions of this modpack will now use HQM so I will not be able to lock mods from you at the beginning of the game. The idea is still the same though 100% is completion of all quests and simple achievements.
No it is not okay to rehost/redistribute my modpack, logo, name or custom configs on a different platform. Don't do it.
Warning: This is my first modpack, expect noobness.
Thank You to ProfyleBryon for making this logo for me :) can find more of his art here :
Twitter: TheCazadorsniper @CazadorSniper
All mods within this modpack all belong to their respective authors.
- Natura (by mDiyo)
- Jabba (by ProfMobius)
- Thermal Dynamics (by TeamCoFH)
- TiC Tooltips (by squeek502)
- Inventory Tweaks (by Kobata)
- StartingInventory (by bspkrs)
- Solar Flux (by Nauktis)
- ExtraTiC (by JeanGlassmaker)
- INpureCore (by INpureProjects)
- InfiniBows (Infinity Bow Fix) (by Myrathi)
- iChunUtil (by iChun)
- Aroma1997s Dimensional World (by Aroma1997)
- ChickenChunks (by chicken_bones)
- Ranchable Fluid Cows (by JDLogic)
- Iguanas Tinker Tweaks (by bonusboni)
- LootBags (by Malorolam)
- Metallurgy Core (by JeanGlassmaker)
- Metallurgy (by JeanGlassmaker)
- Reliquary (by x3n0ph0b3)
- Moo Fluids (by matth75)
- Magical Crops: Core (by Mark719)
- BiblioCraft: BiblioWoods Natura Edition (by JDSinclair)
- Iron Chests (by progwml6)
- Convenient Recipes (by Jagm_11)
- Magical Crops: Armoury (by Mark719)
- Magical Crops: Decorative (by Mark719)
- Applied Energistics 2 (by AlgorithmX2)
- Random Things (by lumien231)
- Baubles (by azanor)
- FlatBedrock Xplosion's Edition (by big_Xplosion)
- The Twilight Forest (by Benimatic)
- Botania: Garden of Glass (by Vazkii)
- AE2 Stuff (by bdew)
- Carpenter's Blocks (by Syntaxial)
- Chisel 2 (by TheCricket26)
- Player API (by Divisor82)
- Aroma1997Core (by Aroma1997)
- Baublelicious (by UnwrittenFun)
- Dense Ores (by RWTema)
- Aura Cascade (by pixlepix)
- CodeChickenCore (by chicken_bones)
- Ender Storage (by chicken_bones)
- NotEnoughItems (by chicken_bones)
- SimpleLabels (by insaneau)
- MineTweaker RecipeMaker (by DoubleDoorDevelopment)
- Simple Achievements (by tterrag1098)
- Tinkers Construct (by mDiyo)
- Mantle (by mDiyo)
- Extra Utilities (by RWTema)
- BiblioCraft (by JDSinclair)
- Ex Nihilo (by Erasmus_Crowley)
- EnderCore (by tterrag1098)
- Portal Gun (by iChun)
- Simply Jetpacks (by tonius111)
- TiConAutoToolStation (by Blubberbub)
- BdLib (by bdew)
- Pam's HarvestCraft (by MatrexsVigil)
- Buildcraft (by CovertJaguar)
- Buildcraft Compat (by buildcraftchildsplay)
- Hardcore Questing Mode (by lorddusk)
- Draconic Evolution (by brandon3055)
- Equivalent Energistics (by Mordenkainen3141)
- Ozone Project (by TheCazadorSniper)
- AppleCore (by squeek502)
- Chance Cubes (by turkey2349)
- CoFHLib (by TeamCoFH)
- Ender IO Addons (by Henry_Loenwind)
- NetherOres (by skyboy026)
- ProjectE (by sinkillerj)
- QuantumFlux (by jotato)
- Redstone Arsenal (by TeamCoFH)
- Thermal Recycling (by OreCruncher)
- McJtyLib (by McJty)
- ComputerCraft (by dantwohundred)
- Magical Crops Compat - Minefactory Reloaded (by Streuner91)
- Minefactory Reloaded (by skyboy026)
- Ztones (by riciJak)
- Magneticraft (by cout970)
- Another One Bites the Dust (by ganymedes01)
- OpenBlocks (by OpenMods)
- OpenModsLib (by OpenMods)
- ExtraCells2 (by DrummerMC)
- The Erebus (by DylanKaizer)
- Metallurgy Classic Machines (by JeanGlassmaker)
- Project Red - Base (by Mr_TJP)
- Project Red - Compat (by Mr_TJP)
- Project Red - Lighting (by Mr_TJP)
- Morpheus (by quetzi)
- RFTools (by McJty)
- ModTweaker (by jaredlll08)
- Waila (by ProfMobius)
- Custom Main Menu (by lumien231)
- Resource Loader (by lumien231)
- LunatriusCore (by Lunatrius)
- InGame Info XML (by Lunatrius)
- Mouse Tweaks (by YaLTeR97)
- Waila Harvestability (by squeek502)
- Wawla - What Are We Looking At (by darkh4x)
- WAILA Plugins (by tterrag1098)
- AutoPackager (by smbarbour)
- Botania (by Vazkii)
- Brandon's Core (by brandon3055)
- CoFH Core (by TeamCoFH)
- EiraMoticons (by Blay09)
- Hardcore Wither (by thor12022)
- JourneyMap (by techbrew)
- NEI Integration (by tonius111)
- OpenModularTurrets (by Poenjabiesous)
- Thermal Expansion (by TeamCoFH)
- Thermal Foundation (by TeamCoFH)
- VeinMiner (by Portablejim)
- No Mob Spawning on Trees (by oldjunyi)
- Big Reactors (by ErogenousBeef)
- MineTweaker3 (by StanH)
- stimmedcow : NoMoreRecipeConflict (by Oliv1er)
- Ender IO (by CrazyPants_MC)
- MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod (by Mr_Crayfish)
- Project Red - Integration (by Mr_TJP)
- Project Red - World (by Mr_TJP)
- Translocators (by chicken_bones)
- Storage Drawers (by jaquadro)
- NuclearCraft Mod (by TLJGames)
- KleeSlabs (by Blay09)
- Better Builder's Wands (by Portablejim)
- Immersive Engineering (by BluSunrize)
- Stranded - Project Ozone 2 Map (by TheResonantGamer)
- BetterAchievements (by Way2muchnoise)
- FastCraft (by sfPlayer)
- Chisel (by tterrag1098)
TreeGrowingSimulator- Tterrag-
Mekanism and MDK- Aidancbrady-
Galacticraft and micdoodleCore- Micdoodle8-
- 4space- Marks5855-
- Ex Astris Rebirth- LoveHoly-