Project Radius

Project Radius


Project Radius is a typical 'kitchen sink' style modpack with a little extra.

From the hi-tech Ender IO to the wizardry of Thaumcraft 6 to the dungeon crawling adventure of Roguelike Dungeons, there is plenty to do and a million ways to do it.

The idea behind this modpack is to be able to have a beautiful world to explore while at the same time having a little bit of extra difficulty to make you have to work for a living. Zombie Awareness makes the zombies be attracted to manmade light sources, so when you get your base up and running you will soon have plenty of friends ready and able to join the party. Animalium and Ender Zoo also add in quite a few new animals to get to have fun with (and also watch your back for), especially the bears (now with more HP than default) .

Mod List (w/links to CurseForge)

*All mods belong to their respective creators. See the spoiler below for links to the mods used in this pack.

Actually Additions by Ellpeck
Actually Baubles by Jackyy
AE2 Stuff by bdew
Agricraft by Raider
Akashic Tome by Vazkii
Animalium by Vadis365
Applied Energistics 2 by AlgorithmX2
ArchitectureCraft - ElytraDev Version by bk1325
Aroma1997's Dimensional World by Aroma1997
Aroma1997Core by Aroma1997
Astral Sorcery by HellFirePvP
AutoRegLib by Vazkii
Baubles by azanor
BdLib by bdew
Bed Patch by Mordenkainen3141
Bedrock B Gone by Karjah
Better Animal Models by Cybercat5555
Better Foliage by octarine_noise
Birds Nests by cleverpanda714

Bibliocraft by Nuchaz

Biomes O' Plenty by Glitchfiend
Blockcraftery by elucent
Blood Magic by WayofTime
Bookshelf by Darkhax
Botania by Vazkii
CLib by TheCodedOne
Calculator by Ollie_Lansdell
Carry On by Tschipp
Ceramics by KnightMiner
Chameleon by jaquadro
Chisel by tterrag1098
Chisels & Bits by AlgorithmX2
CoFH Core by TeamCoFH
CoFH World by TeamCoFH
CodeChicken Lib by covers1624
Comforts by TheIllusiveC4
ConnectedTexturesMod by tterrag1098
Construct's Armory by TheIllusiveC4
Cooking for Blockheads by BlayTheNinth
CoroUtil by Corosus
CraftTweaker by jareddlll08
Cucumber Library by BlakeBr0
Custom Main Menu by Lumien
Cyclops Core by kroeser
Dark Utilities by Darkhax
DecoCraft 2 by RazzleberryFox
Diet Hoppers by RWTema
Dirt 2 Path by marwat208
EluLib by elucent
Embers by elucent
Ender IO by CrazyPants
Ender Storage by covers1624
Ender Utilities by masa
Ender Zoo by CrazyPants
Environmental Tech by ValkyrieofNight
ET Lunar [Environmental Tech Addon] by ValkyrieofNight
EvilCraft by kroeser
Extra Cells 2 by Destroyer7128
Extra Utilities by RWTema
Extreme Reactors by ZeroNoRyouki
Fence Jumper by TheRealp455w0rd
Flat Colored Blocks by AlgorithmX2
Flux Networks by Ollie_Lansdell

FoamFix for Minecraft by asiekierka

Forestry by SirSengir
Forge MultiPart CBE by covers1624
FTB Utilities by FTB_ModpackTeam

FTBLib by FTB_ModpackTeam

Gendustry by bdew
Guide-API by TehNut
Hopper Ducts by FyberOptic
Immersive Cables by SanAndreasP
Immersive Craft by McJty
Immersive Engineering by BluSunrize
Immersive Petroleum by Flaxbeard
Immersive Tech by FerroO2000
Industrial Foregoing by Buuz135
InfinityLib by Raider
Integration Foregoing by Jackyy
Iron Backpacks by gr8pefish
Iskallium Reactors by Winter_Grave
IvToolkit by Ivorius
JEI Integration by SnowShock35
JourneyMap by techbrew
Just Enough HarvestCraft by mrAppleXZ
Just Enough Items by mezz
Just Enough Petroleum by BordListian
Just Enough Reactors by The_BrainStone

Just Enough Resources by Way2muchnoise

Light Level Overlay Reloaded by oldjunyi

Magic Bees by MysteriousAges
Magma Monsters by Kashdeya
Magneticraft by cout970
Malisis Blocks by Ordinastie
MalisisCore by Ordinastie
Malisis Doors by Ordinastie
Malisis Switches by Ordinastie
Mantle by mDiyo
Matter Overdrive by X_Simeon
McJtyLib by McJty
ModelLoader by cout970
Morpheus by Quetzi
Mouse Tweaks by YaLTer
Mystical Agriculture by BlakeBr0
Natura by mDiyo
NetherEx by LogicTechCorp
Not Enough Wands by romelo333
NotEnoughIDs by fewizz
OMLib by Keridos
Open Modular Turrets by VoltyFarstar
Pam's Cookables by BloodWorkXGaming
Pam's HarvestCraft by MatrexsVigil
Placeable Items by Ferdz
PTRLib by RazzleberryFox
Quark by Vazkii
Quick Leaf Decay by Lumien
RF Tools by McJty
RF Tools Control by McJty
RF Tools Dimensions by McJty
Ranged Pumps by raoulvdberge
Realistic Item Drops by Funwayguy
Recurrent Complex by Ivorius
Redstone Arsenal by TeamCoFH
Redstone Flux by TeamCoFH
Refined Storage by raoulvdberge
Refined Storage Addon by raoulvdberge
Reliquary by P3pp3rF1y
Resource Loader by Lumien
Roguelike Dungeons by Greymerk
Rustic by mangoose3039

Rustic BOP Woods by WolfieWaffle

Secret Rooms Mod by AbrarSyed
Shadowfacts' Forgelin by shadowfactsmc
Simple Harvest by workshopcraft
Snad by TheRoBrit
Sonar Core by Ollie_Lansdell
Soul Shards Respawn by TehNut
Storage Drawers by jaquadro
Swing Through Grass by exidex
Tesla Core Lib by Face_of_Cat
Thaumcraft 6 by azanor
Thaumic Inventory Scanning by BlayTheNinth
Thaumic JEI by Buuz135
The One Probe by McJty
The Twilight Forest by Benimatic
Thermal Cultivation by Team CoFH
Thermal Dynamics by TeamCoFH
Thermal Expansion by TeamCoFH
Thermal Foundation by TeamCoFH
Thermal Innovation by TeamCoFH
Thermal Solars by JoltEffect
Tinker I/O by GKB
Tinker's JEI by Possible_Triangle
Tinker's Construct by mDiyo
Tinker's Tool Leveling by boni
TipTheScales by jaredlll08
Tomb Many Graves 2 by M4thG33k
TombManyGraves 2 API by M4thG33k
Translocators by covers1624
Traverse by ProfessorProspector
ValkyrieLib by ValkyrieofNight
Vampirism by maxanier
Vampirism Integration by maxanier
Waystones by BlayTheNinth

Worley's Caves by SuperFluke
Xtones by TehNut
ZeroCore by ZeroNoRyouki
Zombie Awareness by Corosus