


Radon is the first modpack from the Neon Modpack Team. It is intended as a semi-unstable and experimental pack designed to provide bleeding-edge content from the latest modded version in a fun environment to the general modding community. We don't have a gimmick, nor are we relying on any particular mods to get us players -- the point of this pack is just to be well-curated, and playable and enjoyable by all! We're also attempting to put as much polish into this pack as we can muster, though of course this early in 1.12's lifetime a fully polished pack is not really viable. :P

So...what do we offer over other packs?

  • Mod variety. We feature a lot of different mods that many people have likely not used before. Most of your favorite go-tos should still be present, like TE or Immersive Engineering, but they're also alongside a huge body of lesser-used mods. If you're coming from 1.10, then mods like Astral Sorcery, Rustic, Industrial Foregoing, or Modular Routers are probably unknown to you. And I don't think too many people have used Futurepack or Terraqueous in mainstream packs.
  • Exploration. We have specifically made steps to try and improve this pack's exploration potential, as it seems to be a little left-behind in most packs. We've made use of the biome mod Traverse, and the Ruins mod using JordanPeacock's fantastic set of templates to make the world feel more varied and interesting and to reward exploration.
  • Balance. We have carefully selected every mod in this pack to be at some rough level of parity. There are few mods in this pack that overwhelmingly overpower other mods, and there are essentially no dominating solutions. You will have to make a lot of decisions and will have a lot more different options available to you than you would in a pack where certain mods like Extreme Reactors would dominate huge areas of gameplay. Radon is a little experimental so we haven't gone too hardcore in this regard, but it's still notably different as a result.
  • Polish. Again, Radon is a bit unstable. Most mods at this stage are. But we're putting in a lot of effort to configure this pack to look nice and play nice. Visual mods like Dynamic Surroundings or Fancy Block Particles make the world feel a bit different than you might be used to, but overall we hope you like the changes and find your worlds a little bit fancier.
  • Activity. All of the team members have put quite a bit of time into this pack, and we want it to succeed. So if you have any feedback, any mod suggestions, any bug reports -- you name it! -- please let us know and we can try and get back to you! We have quite a few connections to developers and can make stuff happen if it's a serious issue or reasonable to implement.

We hope you enjoy the pack!

You can find our public Discord server here.

...and you can find our subreddit here!

If you enjoy the pack and would like to support Elucent, you can find his Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/elucent