Official Server
on the server you might spawn on the roof even thou the spawn is set inside the building.
right now i am looking a way to fix that.
you can use the Github page to issue the problem you are having on the server.
if you want to help out to keep the server going and grow.
Donate on this link:
Notice: The currency is in GBP so you have to convert to it to your currency.
Using now
New Server Donation:
This modpack have a server file that is linked to the official server of Real Life Modpack. Right now the Spawn Area (Spawn City) is being worked on and if you want to help out with that you earn ingame Currency from Good oi' Currency mod (Next public update of this mod will have Coins!, Money Case, and Bulk Selling/Buying along with some polishing of the mod)
Plus if you have any idea for Enhanced Visual mod along with First Aid mod Go to git hub (Link below or click on Issues on top) and let me and CreativeMD know.
The Description on here is going to be Redone and Update with picture for The Twitch app so they do not need to go on the web to take a look at the pics
This Modpack is based on Real Life that adds thirst, Local Weather, real Pain, and Filter Sounds.
At this moment the Modpack is in Beta so there will be bugs and crashes and this is my First Modpack i did.
Crash reports go to the Link below. Crash Report dose not go to the Mod Devs since this is a mod pack. Thanks
plus if you are host this modpack on a Dedicated server Go ahead and PM me or Comment Below I am Looking forward doing some test on Dedicated Server but i do know have any cash to do so.