A balance of nature and human innovation. truly remarkable. this Modpack offers many different ways to become an industrial empire! You can manufacture Vehicles, Oil, Food, and much more! But be careful... the world around you will begin to change and shape based on your choices. Pollution clouds will form and tornado's will ravage the land. Fight pollution, Fight weather. And create your industrial empire.
Mods List
Advanced Chimneys EnderLanky
Culinary Construct TheIllusiveC4
ForgeEndertech EnderLanky
Immersive Petroleum Flaxbeard
Immersive Technology tgstyle0
OMLib Keridos
Pollution of the Realms EnderLanky
YUNG's Better Mineshafts (Forge) YUNGNICKYOUNG
AlcatrazCore AlcatrazEscapee
ArchitectureCraft - TridentMC Version darkevilmac
Armor Underwear Mod [FORGE] The_Wabbit0101
B.A.S.E lanse505
Bedspreads (Forge) TheIllusiveC4
BiblioCraft Nuchaz
Carrots Library [FORGE] The_Wabbit0101
Chameleon Texelsaur
Chisel tterrag1098
Chisels & Bits AlgorithmX2\
ConnectedTexturesMod tterrag1098
CoroUtil Corosus
CraftStudio API ZeAmateis
Decocraft RazzleberryFox
Environmental Tech ValkyrieofNight
Familiar Fauna Forstride
Farseek delvr
Food Expansion Lellson8
Forestry _ForgeUser7678633
Gauges and Switches wilechaote
Immersive Engineering BluSunrize
Industrial Craft sfPlayer1
Mantle mDiyo
MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod MrCrayfish
Pam's Cookables - Pam's Harvestcraft Addon BloodWorkXGaming
PTRLib RazzleberryFox
Serene Seasons TheAdubbz
Terrarium gegy1000
Tinkers Construct mDiyo
Tough As Nails TheAdubbz
Transport Sky_Som
Traverse Reforged Noobanidus
UNU Parts Pack [MTS] Dr_prof_Luigi
ValkyrieLib ValkyrieofNight
Weather, Storms & Tornadoes Corosus
YUNG's Better Caves (Forge) YUNGNICKYOUNG