Rubik's Biodome Survival

Rubik's Biodome Survival


Very alpha. World generation and early game modlist are stable.

This pack is about a weeks work so far learning how to make modpacks, I was making it for myself. I've publicly listed this pack because there's been a lot of interest in this Biodome world generation and I think it's better to discover the world on foot in a basic pack than cheese it in creative.

This is intended to be a challenging modpack to showcase McJty's larger mods and to actually use Immersive Engineering for more than decoration. Looting and exploration is encouraged through recipe changes and biome choices.

Intended progression is Vanilla and Thermal Foundation tools at first, then Immersive Engineering, then RFtools is gated behind steel. I usually get bored once I get flight/near invulnerable armour so I've made this pack to prolong the early-midgame without making it a resources grind, I hope. 

Wherever possible redundancy in mods has been avoided. I have kept JEI clutter to a minimum but feel free to add decorative mods if you want, Lost Cities can be reconfigured to use chisel blocks. I've annotated my config changes to make it easier to copy my world generation settings.

The domes and cities are a bit processing-heavy, which is another reason to cut mods way back. 

To Do: 

Loot tables. Add and balance disabled/rare items. 

Quest tree. 

Playtest late game. 

Add in Need To Breathe Mod when it is ready. Until then just pretend the wasteland is more deadly than it is.

Feedback and suggestions welcomed. "Please add <insert popular mod here> because I use it all the time" won't be considered unless it fills a progression gap, doesn't add hundreds of blocks, and doesn't get overpowered. This pack does not have: ore doubling, tinkers, AE2, thermal expansion, Ender IO, iron chests, 

Main mods in the pack and their purpose:

/dank/null: portable storage, use of higher tiers encouraged by lack of other storage.

Biomes O'Plenty: for the Wasteland.

Chest Transporter: Diamond level can move spawners and is uncraftable, must be found in loot chests.

Chicken Chunks: trustworthy chunkloader to keep late game power reliable.

Cooking for Blockheads: To make crafting Tiny Progressions food easier, and for decoration.

Deep Resonance: Power gen mod I want to tinker with for powering dimensions etc. 

Dimensional Edibles: Stronghold generation might be glitchy in this world. 

Fast Leaf Decay: Because waiting for leaves to decay sucks, and these cities are REALLY overgrown. To hell with performance. 

GearSwapper: McJty Mod to play with. 

Immersive Engineering: Because everybody loves it but nobody actually seems to use it much. Its weapons are normally outclassed by other mods. 

Immersive Petroleum: Fits the theme and I want to learn it. 

In Control!: Another McJty mod, for nasty surprises, more to come. 

Lost Souls: McJty mod, highly configurable mobs to haunt buildings and easy to adjust for balance.

MeeCreeps: McJty mod, they creep me out.

Quark: various optimisations and QOL tweaks. A lot of it is disabled. Small concession to decorative mods.

Restrictions: McJty Mod, looks really useful for mobfarms, gotta use all those spawners in the city for something. 

RfTools: McJty mod, the builder is one of the only ways to autofarm, which will take some thinking and redstone.

RfTools Control: McJty mod. Because. 

RFTools Dimensions: McJty mod. Something to do late game, the wasteland might get boring.

The Lost cities: McJty mod, revolutionary world generation. The whole point of this pack is to explore one of the many city worlds it can make.

Thermal Foundation: Tools, weapons, armour, caches for materials, backpacks. Might add some limited thermal expansion machines in future if there is need. It's ore generation can be used by many mods which might be added in future.

Tiny Progressions: Powerful food to regenerate health when clearing buildings, tools and armour, QOL features.

Tree Chopper: Because no Lumber Axe, and there is a lot of overgrowth in the cities.

XNet: McJty mod.

xNICEx: McJty mod, purely cosmetic. Every kitchen needs a fish tank.