Shadow Dragoons

Shadow Dragoons


A Modpack that is created by a guy that loves tech mods compared to non-tech.
It mainly focuses on automation, yet still alot of work is needed to get it up and running.
There are non-tech mods as well to make it somewhat balanced.
A Storage Network that allows easy storage and many automation capabilities(Refined Storage)
Multiple Machine mods that add ore doubling, automatic farms, anything is possible! (Create, Thermal Series, Mekanism, etc.)
Magic (Botania)
Extensive ways to make mob farms (Industrial Forgoing+Dark Utils)
<Official Server>
This modpack has a official server!

Its in the pack it has high ram and the server info is right in the server browser.  if you want to see who scroll down in the description.
Modpack requirements:
4GB RAM Min, 8GB+ RAM Recommended
A Good PC that can run most games
Discord: (Will auto link to the client if launched)

public server for the modpack is provided by bisect hosting if you want your own