This is PVP Mods from Czech Youtuber SirYakari. i'm not the official SirYakari. His Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCggdHIILKfXpdB_0KI0Nmeg
On this site are his mods that he showed in his videos and how to download them. If SirYakari will have problem with this modpack, i will delete it.
Tohle jsem PVP Mody od Youtubera SiraYakariho. Nejsem officialní SirYakari. Jeho Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCggdHIILKfXpdB_0KI0Nmeg
Na této stránce budou jeho mody které ukazoval ve videu a jak je stáhnout. Pokud SirYakari bude mít problém s tímhle modpackem, tak ho smažu.