SlamDiggity Pack

SlamDiggity Pack


A simple mod pack a friend and I put together. We were tired of looking for mod packs, due to the fact that most of them change recipe's so heavily. We have craft tweaker added to the pack but only due to its dependency to another mod. All recipe's in this pack are default based on how the creator of each mod made them. 

This pack is mainly focused about exploration and mobs. There are machinery mods which are a must for any pack. However, I feel that I become bored fairly fast, but with the addition of Dungeon Mobs and Dungeon Gear, exploration will be rewarding. And you'll feel as if there's something more to do. 

Nor really too much more to say. It's a low count mod pack due to us not just throwing in a bunch of mods we think people will want. 

If you end up downloading the pack and enjoy it. Come back and let us know.