The SteamPunk

The SteamPunk

The SteamPunks mechanics thus largely reside in the Create mod which adds giant machines, elevator trains, and more. But for steampunk decorations, there are also several mods for that.

Mods that add new hostile mobs, or make old mobs more difficult are also present, affecting both Overword and Nether, so get ready to get stronger than usual.

To help with the new difficulty, there are also mods to help you, like making more powerful weapons, and stronger armor, and even with extra abilities that can give you an advantage, and also how to increase your heart bar.

To decorate your home, several decoration mods have been added, either with objects to decorate, or new blocks to build your home.

World exploration is ecensial here, because in addition to the new biomes in Overword and Nether, we also have new dungeons, with incredible loot, but they are extremely difficult.