Survival with Fisk's Superhero Mod, this also adds the many addons made for the mod. *
This modpack also has many Vanilla+ mods.
Block Armor You can make armor from almost every block in the game
Cosmetic Armor - You can disable the look of your armor
Damage Indicator - Shows the mobs healt and the damage you do to it
Enhanced Vanilla Armor - You can upgrade the vanilla armors from the game to better versions
Extra Utilities (just for fun lol) - Just adds some enhancing things to the game
Fast Leaf Decay - After you cut down a tree, the leafs decay in about 5 seconds
Fisk's Superheroes (main mod for this pack) - Adds many MANY superheroes to the game, adding new dimensions such as "The Moon" and "The Quantum Realm"
Journey Map - Adds a map to the game
Mouse Tweaks - Adds some new things you can do with the mouse in your inventory/crafting. Check the link for more info
M.E.S.A - M.E.S.A [Movement Enhancement Suits and Armor] adds some new armor that make you faster or make you jump higher
Shoulder Surfing - Theres a new option when you press F5 when your camera goes to third person but slightly to the right, check the link for more info cuz i can't explain it well
Wolf Armor and Storage - Adds armor and storage you can make for wolfs/dogs