The bois pack [mega edition]

The bois pack [mega edition]


  This modpack adds quite a few things, depending on which version you install of course, The V-lite edition will add some new blocks, like furniture from the mr crayfish furniture mod and machines from the create mod. It also adds new mob ai from the zombie awareness mod, making zombies deadlier, and it also adds guns to the game, via mr crayfishs gun mod to combat the now deadlier zombies. As for the Large edition of the game, as it sits, it adds A LOT of new things to the game, new animals, way harder zombies with more variants, new pillagers, new dungeons and structures to explore around the world, other new monsters from other series like scp's and slender man, new friendly ai's to help you survive... for a price, all the previous mods from the v-lite pack and even multiple new dimensions to explore. Speaking of dimensions, in the large pack, there are also end city overhaul mods and nether exspansion mods which make the experience more fun trying to beat the vanilla game. In the future more will be added of course, and there are always more mods in the large pack than i can reasonably explain in this description so, if you truly want to know whats all inside the largest pack, its best if you just download it.