This pack was made for those who want a challenge but still having a mod pack that is possible to beat with the challenge. There are 3 main challenges you can choose from. The first challenge being fishing only meaning that you start with a fishing rod and then you need to fish for everything mob drops are allowed but anything you need must come from a fishing drop be it by boxes or by treasure chest with the aquaculture mod. The second challenge just being straight up hardcore which means just set it to hardcore mode and have fun from there. The end point of the hardcore run is beating all bosses including bosses from aoa Twilight forest lycanites mobs and the aether. The third and final challenge being magic only meaning that you need to give yourself the spell book that's called mine as well as a basic magic wand. For those that don't want to partake in the challenge there is also a lot of things you can do like blood magic but also visit over 25 dimensions and even summon a phoenix. The end of the modpack is to have every trophy from advent of ascension as well as all of the twilight forest and aether bosses. This modpack will offer a challenge to anyone skilled at minecraft as its highly set up to be a challenge and as time passes mobs health will scale with your progression but no worries as you will scale as well with the level up mod. This modpack has many things and as of right now its meant to be a challenge.