Title Screen
Title Screen in v1.0
Fire Dragon
From Ice and Fire
The Living Scythe
From Scape and Run. Crafted with loot, that you can get from killing infected mobs.
Infected Villager
From Scape and Run
Primitive Yelloweyes
From Scape and Run. After an explosion of the Heavy Carrier
The Living Greatbow
From Scape and Run. Crafted with loot, that you can get from killing infected mobs.
Rupter and Infected Sheep
From Scape and Run. The Rupter can infect animals like sheeps and cows.
Foggy Forest
The Seasonal Birch Forest covered in fog.
Mutant Enderman
From Mutant Mobs
From Mutant Mobs
Hazmat Suit
From Atomic Science
Heavy Carrier
From Scape and Run