Doge SMP IIII: Eyes in the Dark

Doge SMP IIII: Eyes in the Dark


Welcome to the 4th Doge SMP!, this pack is a reiteration of DSMP 2, with an emphasis on navigating through the dark in an apocalyptic hellscape. 

Use stealth to sneak past the horrors of the night!, Carve into the darkness of the eternal night to establish a semblance of society!, But most importantly, Don't die.

Good luck!

(This modpack is for the Doge SMP modded minecraft server. This modpack is intended to be played in the "rare cities" preset in the lost cities biomes o' plenty settings, but you can do what you want.)

(also highly recommended to start with the bonus chest setting, trust me, you'll be needing those torches.)

People not mentioned:

Somebeluga (for doing most of the assembling)

Minecraft2 (for helping with the pack generally)