The Origins Of Dreams

The Origins Of Dreams


“There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.” – Douglas H. Everett. 

Everything begins when I close my eyes. No matter how… no matter when; I do the same dream over and over. The meds said that’s probably for an overaccumulation of stress; but for some reasons, I feel there’s something deeper than that. I dream this world whenever I sleep; it’s beautiful, calm, almost boring. If it only were like this every time… I can see dark sides hiding around; whenever I turn, they will follow me. This is not a nightmare, this is me. And the most dreadful thing: everything it’s real. Now, everything depends on me: will I be brave enough to fight my shadows?

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

 Trailer Overview: 

Trailer 3.0 Halloween Update:

Happy Epiphany Update video (6.0):

 The Origins Of Dreams is a Minecraft modpack made for those who love exploring, alchemy, magic spells, adventure and nature. The project was built with simplicity in mind, so you won't find complex mods like IndustrialCraft or Botania. This modpack was configured to run with at least 2 GB of RAM (both client and server).

Optifine Advice: since CurseForge doesn't allow the Optifine mod to be shipped with the pack, please make sure to download it from the official link (otherwise the optimization for this pack will not work properly):

WARNING FOR MAC USERS: The following modpack was entirely built and debugged with Windows 10 64bit and debugged for CentOS 8 64bit (boot debug only); otherwise I can't provide any help/fix for any problems encountered on Apple's OSes. I would only provide help for Windows computers. Thanks for understanding.

Join in my Discord Server for further details/assistance:

Known Bugs:

- When joining in a new world, your arm might be glitched. To solve this, press F10 and the pose will reset to its default. Caused by: Mo'Bends mod.

- Your pose might be stuck in a different position rather the normal one if you press F5 performing actions like climbing, jumping or flying. To reset them, press F10. Caused by: Mo'Bends mod.

-  Mob Amputation and Mob Dismemberment mod have a glitch with Mo'Bends: even if you amputate a mob, you will still see the limb attached to its body. However, it will lose life points and eventually dies. Graphical only glitch.

- When carrying any object (with the Carry On mod) and trying to open inventory, the game will crash due to an incompatibility with Aether II inventory GUI (not solvable).

- When you try to install the modpack, Curse could download twice the mod "Magic seeds for Electroblobs Wizardry". To avoid the crash on startup, you will need to manually delete one of the two files downloaded (SeedsForWizardry 1.0....jar or Seeds+For+Wizardry....jar). (not solvable)

Copyright Disclaimer:

The Origins Of Dreams is a copyrighted work made by Simone Vedda (aka Giga 123). All Rights Reserved unless otherwise explicitly stated.

Copyright Certificate: click to show.