The Underdog's Corner: The Underrated Modpack

The Underdog's Corner: The Underrated Modpack


Welcome to the Underdog's Corner!

Note: When playing, make sure your GUI is Auto

6 months in the making, this is a modpack entirely made of mods with less than 100,000 downloads.  The only exceptions are enhancement mods like JEI and Xaero's Minimap, which improve all of the other hidden gems I've added to this pack.

Mods in this pack that get super popular will also not be removed.  Any mod with less than 100k downloads at the time of its inclusion and development will be kept.

The purpose of this modpack is to bring extra attention to mods my friends and I believe deserve more recognition and appreciation.  There are so many mods that disappear or end development because of the lack of feedback people provide.  My friends and I have dug deep into the Wild West of Curseforge and uncovered many hidden gems.

Gameplay Structure

Underdog's Corner is split into 2 parts.

Part 1: The world is your oyster, and there are no rules.  Guided by the Questbook, you will be able to learn and experience new mods you may have never seen before!  There are new building materials, tools, a lot of magic, some tech, scattered bosses, and a few new dimensions.  Your own modpack may be improved upon the discovery of a new mod!

Part 2: After a few hours of playing, the modpack turns into a progression game.  An invading force from the sky comes to your world and attempts to conquer it.  You must defend the Overworld and all dimensions linked to it.  Once you do, you unlock new dimensions, in which you find the core of this monstrous legion and defeat it.  You will be assisted by new NPC allies who will offer you guidance and new weapons.

How to Include Your Mod in Underdog's Corner:

Visit my Discord here, and read the rules for mod inclusion in Underdog's Corner Mod Rules!  I will be waiting for your arrival, and I hope I can include your mod!  It may take a while, because I will most likely ask for changes and bug fixes before it is actually added to the public roster.  I want to keep the pack fairly balanced and to provide open air for all mods, so I tend to stay away from game-changing aspects.

Discord: (Read rules and Underdog's Corner Mod Rules)

Mod List as of 8/25/2020