Reimagine what Minecraft could be.
Mission Statement:
The base version of Minecraft, while receiving periodic updates, is incredibly old and lacking in depth. We aim to fix that, while also addressing performance issues.
The Problem:
The progression system currently in Minecraft is a very linear system. The game progresses in a direct line from Wood to Diamond, with Netherite as the "endgame" tier. However, an experienced player can reasonably be in full Diamond (near-endgame) gear within the first few hours of playtime. This results in stagnation as this linear progression means players are required to find internal incentivization for further play and progression, with the only further paths being various types of building.
In short, once you've got diamonds and a house, you lose a lot of the motivating factors to play more.
V+SMP Pack's Solution:
The solution for higher player-retention for this sort of problem is simple: add width, rather than length, to the progression system. Rather than one clear end goal with a singular "best" path, creating an ecosystem where players are encouraged to push towards a variety of end goals. By adding a variety of progression systems, it adds a great deal of depth, as players will never be distinctly "ahead" of others or "past" certain items, as they will always have some form of usefulness. This rarely is fully handled by a single mod, thus, we have crafted a pack that blends together well, while avoiding any mods which would be far stronger than any other.
In short, our pack aims not to add, but to multiply and diversify.
What Is Included?
We include around 200 mods using the Fabric launcher, primarily avoiding technology mods. Thankfully, due to the improvements made by the Fabric team, as well as our performance mods, we still see better average FPS than a standard Vanilla client!
Also included is Clean AF, my personal mashup Resource Pack.
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