Unreal Craft

Unreal Craft


This isn't a mod for mod, copy/paste thing. There are a lot of mods from the original that have been updated for 1.16.5 so I used them but there also were a lot that weren't so I kinda had to just add what I felt would be a good fit. I also added some mods to just... make it my own thing. This whole thing started out cuz I wanted the RLCraft experience on 1.16.5 but me being me, couldn't just keep my mouth shut and enjoy it, people wanted it, so here ya go! I truly hope you enjoy it and I hope it lives up to your expectations. I will do work here and there on it and update it when I can, maybe add a mod or 2 here and there if something catches my eye. 

DISCLAIMER: This is literally the first time I've ever done anything like this and I went in it knowing nothing about modpack creation, config files, none of that so.... again... I really hope this lives up to your expectations. Thank you again and I love you all.

Example of it not being a mod for mod remake:
I did not add No Tree Punching because it removes the vanilla wood axe with no way to change the configs to add it back in... the problem? you need a vanilla wood axe to make the first tier workbench for lycanite's... so i found a different mod, No Log Punching, to kind of give the similar feel.. but.. it's different.