Wynncraft Remastered

Wynncraft Remastered


V3.8.9 Notice

|||The pack has been Updated for the 2.0.1 update as of 05/11/2022|||

Check out the 1.18.2 version of this modpack:
Wynncraft Artemis Remastered

Special Thanks

Thanks to Xenojiiva (UeverLimp) for paying and thus creating the "Professions Remastered" resource pack and for providing it exclusively to this Modpack.

Thanks to iMxrk (ImMxrkTV) for troubleshooting and fixing the "Professions Remastered" resource pack for Wynncraft 2.0.


This modpack was created to enhance the Wynncraft Immersion using QOL, Optimization, and Visual mods.
It contains Wynntills, a mod designed to enhance Wynncraft with things such as a minimap, quest logger, etc

and Wynncraft Inventory Management 2, a mod that provides the user with an in-game Item Dictionary and Build Maker. You can also Import or Export builds using it.


Install Optifine 1.12.2 HD U G5 in order for the resource packs to work. I recommend playing with shaders to further enhance your immersion

Set your Wynntils to Cutting Edge by opening the quest book > settings > core > version

Install Voices of Wynn to further enhance the Wynncraft experience with voice acting for NPCs

Equipment Compare allows you to compare gear with each other. To compare Rings, Necklaces and Braces, hold one in your Hotbar and hover over the other

Glowwynn is out of date and breaks a lot of animated textures. Use if you are fine with some animations being broken

Wynncraft Darkmode changes the UI. You may remove it if you don't like the darkened look

You may choose Up to 3 Note+ Packs. Choose 1 Harp, Bass, and Drums

Professions Remastered

Professions Remastered adds 3D models to gathering tools and materials

to further enhance the game.

Professions Remastered is not allowed to be reuploaded into

other mod packs without Xenojiiva's expressed permission - XenoJiiva

Currently breaks scrolls if Wynncraft retextured is not used.

Resource Packs



Keldorn - Coming up with the pack Name and testing the Professions Remastered fix

XenoJiiva - Paying someone on fiver to make Professions Remastered, Providing Pack feedback and suggestions. Also for providing Stat Info formatting

iMxrk - Fixing and Troubleshooting Professions Remastered for Wynn 2.0