Here you will truely fear all the time. With military settlements, Xenomorphs in every crevice, and the Covenent(from Halo) hiding in the forests you will not want to stray far from your base. This modpack involved many structures, a load of death, and when the Blood Moon hits, you might want to stay inside. Increased mob spawn rates make the caves terrifying to explore and going around on the surface after the first few night might prove difficult at first.
Biomes O Plenty Keeps The Game From Spawning Too Many Mobs
You have been warned! Use Biomes O Plenty terrain generation!
Mod List:
- Aliens Vs Predator
- MDX Lib
- Adventurer Backpacks
- Applied Energistics 2
- Big Reactors
- Biomes O Plenty
- Artifice
- BdLib
- Brandons Core
- Chocolate Quest
- CodeChickenCore
- COFH Lib
- COFH Core
- Ender IO
- EnderCore
- Fast Craft
- Fossils And Archeology
- Iron Chests
- Llibrary
- Journey Map
- Mantle
- Modular Powersuit
- Minefactory
- Natura
- Numina
- Thermal Expansion
- Thermal Foundation
- Tech Guns
- WTF Cave Biomes
- WTF Core
- Steves Carts 2
- Tinkers Construct
- Thaumcraft
- Botania
- Advanced Spawn Controls
- Increased Mobs
- Random Things
Mods Found Off Of This Site