Super Duper Vanilla Shaders

Super Duper Vanilla Shaders


There are few visual bugs that might be worth it to address

SolsticeSpectrum opened this issue ยท 3 comments


2022-03-21_10 35 47
2022-03-21_10 35 38
2022-03-20_21 53 02
2022-03-20_21 53 29

When having Bare Bones resource pack, there are weird shadows on grass, leaves and other similar foliage. When standing under tree and looking at water, there are weird visual bugs which like visually duplicates particles, hand, and other stuff. Same applies when standing further from tree but looking on water in such angle that has tree leaves in view.


Subsurface scattering is being worked on atm which causes those visual oddities on the grass and other foliage. This issue can be fixed temporarily by turning off subsurface scattering under the PBR section. As for the reflections, I'm currently trying to fix that. I'll keep this issue open until I push a fix.


Subsurface scattering is being worked on atm which causes those visual oddities on the grass and other foliage. This issue can be fixed temporarily by turning off subsurface scattering under the PBR section. As for the reflections, I'm currently trying to fix that. I'll keep this issue open until I push a fix.

Disabling subsurface scattering fixed the weird repeating shadows on foliage. Thanks! But there is still the problem that looking at water while under a tree or while there are particles in a way, it gets weirdly repeated. Or blocks casting weird shadow on water as seen on the screenshot.

2022-03-22_12 19 41

What can I disable to fix this?


That is the screen space reflections, disabling it however costs you removing the reflections. Anyway, I'll close this issue now since the subsurface scattering on trees is now resolved and you shouldn't see any weird patterns on it.