adapted mobs adds custom textures for mobs to fit the biome the mob is in, at the moment 9 different mobs have been added however in the future I hope to cover every mob in the game. the 24 biomes that have custom textures are: basalt deltas, deserts, cold biomes, jungle, beach, birch forest, deep ocean, cold taiga, taiga, crimson, extreme hills, flower forests, normal forests, mega taiga, mesa, mushroom, nether waste, ocean, dark oak, savanna, soulsand valley, swamp, the end, and warped, the mobs will use there normal skins inside of plains biomes, or the biome they are native to. and the java version now is compatible with biomes o' plenty and all the biomes you'll go biomes no new textures were added for these biomes, but the most appropriate vanilla biome is used, this will most likely allow you to use the mod in your modded worlds as these are 2 of the most common biome adding mods in most modpacks
please note that optifine is still not 100% finished for 1.17 so there are still some issues where some naturally spawned mobs dont always have the right texture, this should be fixed when optifine releases fully for 1.17
If you also play bedrock edition, you can download the bedrock version of the pack from here (this post with the linkvertise link and the media fire link are also made by me and I have created a post on planet minecraft, these should be the only other place adapted mobs should be uploaded and so are exceptions to the all rights reserved licence)
the different biomes
these screenshots were almost all taken on java using BLS shaders and the biomes o' plenty mod but the textures are still the same on both versions
Basalt delta
cold biomes
dark oak
deep ocean
the end
flower forest (in the lavender forest from biomes o' plenty)
forest (the art style for these mobs will likely change in the future)
extreme hills (in the alps from biomes o' plenty)
mega taiga (in the redwood forest from biomes o' plenty)
mushroom (taken on bedrock as the custom models are not used on the java version yet)
nether wastes
snowy taiga
soul sand valley
warped forest
as well as me all the people below are discord users who have submitted textures which they have created
- jungle skeleton (this was also used in https://mcpedl.com/vanilla-mob-variants/)
Victorious Maverick#3129 (all his are Minecraft earth and dungeons mobs which have been ported over):
- Mesa creeper
- cold cow
- hot cow
- cold zombie
more textures have been submitted however those mobs have not yet been done, when they are their names will be added to this list.
If you would like to submit a new texture or improve upon an existing texture, you can do so in #texture-submissions in https://discord.gg/KjjVh6XK4x