


[GET THE NEXT UPDATE EARLY ON MY SITE: here] (This is so I can earn money from ads instead of doing Patreon)

Alikcraft is a texture pack that aims to replicate the Minecraft textures as close as possible in a 256x256 format. It does not attempt to achieve photorealism, it instead appears as Minecraft with a higher resolution. Some blocks such as diorite, andesite, granite, their polished counterparts, and glowstone have been redesigned to create a more pleasant look. In this version, almost every block you find in nature or are directly crafted from basic blocks are textured. Here are the blocks currently textured: 

all colors of wool,all stained glass,all types of planks,andesite,anvil,azure bluet,birch door,birch leaves,birch log,bookshelf,brick,clay,coal ore,coarse dirt,cobblestone,cracked stone brick,crafting table,daisy,dandelion,dead bush,diamond ore,diorite,dirt,emerald ore,end stone,farmland,furnace,glass,glowstone,gold ore,granite,grass,gravel,ice,iron ore,ladder,lapis ore,long grass,oak door,oak leaves,oak log,obsidian,poppy,red sand,red sandstone,redstone lamp,redstone ore,sand,sandstone,smooth andesite,smooth diorite,smooth granite,smooth red sandstone,smooth sandstone,snow,spruce door,spruce leaves,spruce log,stone,stone,stone brick,stone slab,tallgrass,torch,trapdoor

almost all blocks have normal and specularity maps so if you have a more powerful pc, you can add extra detail by using compatible shaders(such as SUES or Chocapic). 

UPDATES:  check progress on my Trello:

here are some screenshots of the texture pack with and without shaders: