- This pack features a retro colour palette and cartoony textures.
- I recommend using Optifine so that you can get custom skies and connected glass.
- Items, GUIs, blocks and a few entities have been modified!
- Glowstone is blue.
- Netherrack is black.
- Tools are outlined which gives them a cartoony, retro effect.
- Custom skies and connected glass are available with Optifine.
- There are variations with some textures (e.g. grass)
- A cool crosshair that looks similar to this [^]
- Smooth font made by: Fire_Fist on Planet Minecraft
- 1.8
- 1.16
- 1.17
What are you allowed to do with this pack?
- You are allowed to take screenshots and videos.
- You are allowed to modify it as long as you do not distribute it.
- You are NOT allowed to distribute it in your own name unless you have explicit permission from me.
- Please give some form of credit to me if you post a video or pictures!
Some of the items