Andro's Discord Emojis

Andro's Discord Emojis


Since snapshot 20w17a (pre 1.16) Minecraft is supporting full Unicode range allowing the use of emojis in all places like chat, books and signs. Sadly Minecraft's own font didn't got an update so I did it myself with this resource pack.


I recommend using an online tool like Twitter Symbols to copy/paste emojis into Minecraft.


  • Requires Minecraft 1.16+
  • Emojis need white font color:
    • -- They are displayed complete black on signs by default. Because Minecraft's "white" dye isn't really white emojis still look dark after dyeing. In single player mode use a mod like Color Unchained to get real white. On a server you often depend on a plugin like EssentialsX to allow the usage of color codes (&f for white).
    • -- In a book to change font color copy and paste ยงf into the book followed by an emoji. Copy/paste ยง0 to get black again, else normal font could be a bit hard to read.
  • Not all emojis supported:
    • -- While Minecraft has full Unicode support now, resource packs does not. At the time of writing (1.16.2 rc1 is out) they still lack support for so called supplementary characters. To make it short, some emojis are combined ones, for example ๐Ÿ™…๐Ÿป is a combination of ๐Ÿ™… (same emoji with default skin color) and ๐Ÿป (white skin tone). Currently each part is interpreted separately resulting in some emoji shreds.


emojis on a sign Minecraft chat box full of emojis