Falkers Art Deco

Falkers Art Deco

"Art Déco" is a term that describes a detailed and luxurious style in architecture, interior design and various crafts. Art Déco first originated at the beginning of the 20th century in western Europe and found its peak in Paris in 1925, where the "Exposition internationale des Arts Décoratifs et industriels modernes" took place.
In the 1930s Art Déco has spread widely across the world but found a quick ending with the beginning of the second world war, where more functional styles were preferred. However, the Style of Art Déco was somewhat kept alive in the United States where it still had some influence in the '50s.
It wasn't until the '60s that Art Déco got its actual name, based on the Paris exhibition, and efforts were made to preserve buildings of its era, that were still present. Despite its short prime Art Déco has never truly died and even in the 21st century new buildings are constructed in a "Neo Art Déco" movement, mimicking what is widely considered the first international art style.
"Falkers' Art Deco" is my personal interpretation of this art style. I take a lot of reference from real world architecture and design, and try to bring it in a form that fits into the game. I also take some reference from fictional designs, especially the Bioshock series, and sometimes develop my own ideas based on these references. 

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This pack heavily relies on CTM and other non-vanilla features, therefore Optifine is highly recommended.

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