Auriolus Vas 16x16
The Golden Vessel by Happykeystv
I'm Happykeystv here, a popular blogger on PMC, I thought I would make an awesome little texture pack and release it here :) Yes here. If you wouldn't mind downloading it so far that'd be wonderful, it is "around" 16% complete, And I might ONLY do the blocks, but I may do some of the item textures. Please stay tuned ;D
Click for an image of the pack that I have taken:
Once again note it's incompetence, do not steal any textures from this pack, I do NOT give permission to remix my textures in anyway shape or form, please be original and make up your own pack, you may use mine as inspiration but copying or tracing over it will not benefit anyone. Thanks.
Blocks so far
The blocks in the pack, so far:
- Wooden planks
- Also counts for shared block textures like wooden stairs, or even slabs, please take them into account
- Spuce, Oak, Birch, Jungle
- Crafting/Work Bench
- Wool
[i]In orfer of rainbow. Square brackets show exceptions, and / shows a different sequence.
- Red, Orange, [Brown]Yellow, Green, [Dark Green]Cyan, Blue, [Light Blue] Purple, Magenta, Pink / White, Light Grey, Dark Grey, Black
- Cobblestone
- Mossy Cobblestone
- Stone
- Diamond Ore
- Emerald Ore
- Gold Ore
- Iron Ore
- Coal Ore
- Lapiz Lazuli Ore
- Redstone Ore
- Redstone block
- Sandstone
- Smooth
- Carved(Creeper Face)
For the next update
Blocks being added in the next update
- Cake!
- The breaking sequence(possibly, but rare)
- Sand
- Gravel
- Glowstone(possibly, but rare)