Better Chat
Edited by TheForce_
Important: This is an improved version of this resourcepack:
Your chat will become more beautiful and more pleasant for the eyes!
:--: Version 2.1 :--:
below is most of the changes
Resourcepack adds color to your chat.
"chat.type.text": "§7%s§f: %s",
"chat.type.emote": "§6* §f%s %s §6*",
"chat.type.announcement": "§6%s §7> §f%s",
"": "§7%s §7> §7%s§f: %s",
"": "§6%s §7> §7%s§f: %s",
"screenshot.success": "§7Saved screenshot as §d%s",
"screenshot.failure": "§cCouldn't save screenshot: §d%s",
"commands.publish.started": "Local game hosted on port §a%s",
"commands.forceload.added.single": "Marked chunk §6%s §fin §6%s §fto be force loaded",
"commands.forceload.added.multiple": "Marked §a%s §fchunks in §d%s §ffrom §a%s §fto §a%s §fto be force loaded",
"commands.forceload.query.success": "Chunk at §a%s §fin §d%s §fis marked for force loading",
"commands.forceload.query.failure": "Chunk at §a%s §fin §d%s §fis not marked for force loading",
"commands.forceload.list.single": "A force loaded chunk was found in §d%s §fat: §a%s",
"commands.forceload.list.multiple": "§a%s §fforce loaded chunks were found in §d%s §fat: §a%s",
"commands.forceload.added.none": "No force loaded chunks were found in §d%s",
"commands.forceload.removed.all": "Unmarked all force loaded chunks in §d%s",
"commands.forceload.removed.single": "Unmarked chunk §a%s §fin §d%s §ffor force loading",
"commands.forceload.removed.multiple": "Unmarked §a%s §fchunks in §d%s §ffrom §a%s §fto §a%s §ffor force loading",
"commands.clear.success.single": "Removed §a%s §fitems from player §6%s",
"commands.clear.success.multiple": "Removed §a%s items from §6%s §fplayers",
"commands.clear.test.single": "Found §a%s §fmatching items on player §6%s",
"commands.clear.test.multiple": "Found §a%s §fmatching items on §6%s §fplayers",
"commands.clone.success": "Successfully cloned §a%s §fblocks",
"commands.debug.started": "§aStarted debug profiling",
"commands.debug.stopped": "§eStopped debug profiling after §a%s §eseconds and §a%s §eticks (§6%s §eticks per second)",
"commands.defaultgamemode.success": "The default game mode is now §d%s",
"commands.difficulty.success": "The difficulty has been set to §d%s",
"commands.difficulty.query": "The difficulty is §d%s",
"commands.drop.success.single": "Dropped §a%s §f* §a%s",
"commands.drop.success.single_with_table": "Dropped §a%s §f* §a%s from loot table §6%s",
"commands.drop.success.multiple": "Dropped §a%s §fitems",
"commands.drop.success.multiple_with_table": "Dropped §a%s §fitems from loot table §6%s",
"commands.effect.give.success.single": "Applied effect §7%s §f> §6%s",
"commands.effect.give.success.multiple": "Applied effect §7%s §f> §6%s",
"commands.effect.clear.everything.success.single": "§7Removed every effect from §6%s",
"commands.effect.clear.everything.success.multiple": "§7Removed every effect from §6%s §7targets",
"commands.effect.clear.specific.success.single": "§7Removed effect §6%s §7from §6%s",
"commands.effect.clear.specific.success.multiple": "§7Removed effect §6%s §ffrom §6%s §7targets",
"commands.enchant.success.single": "Applied enchantment §d%s §fto §6%s§f's item",
"commands.enchant.success.multiple": "Applied enchantment §d%s §fto §6%s §fentities",
"commands.experience.add.points.success.single": "Gave §a%s §fexperience points to §6%s",
"commands.experience.add.points.success.multiple": "Gave §a%s §fexperience points to §6%s §fplayers",
"commands.experience.add.levels.success.single": "Gave §a%s §fexperience levels to §6%s",
"commands.experience.add.levels.success.multiple": "Gave §a%s §fexperience levels to §6%s §fplayers",
"commands.experience.set.points.success.single": "Set §a%s §fexperience points on §6%s",
"commands.experience.set.points.success.multiple": "Set §a%s §fexperience points on §6%s §fplayers",
"commands.experience.set.levels.success.single": "Set §a%s §fexperience levels on §6%s",
"commands.experience.set.levels.success.multiple": "Set §a%s §fexperience levels on §6%s §fplayers",
"commands.experience.query.points": "§6%s §fhas §a%s §fexperience points",
"commands.experience.query.levels": "§6%s §fhas §a%s §fexperience levels",
"commands.fill.success": "Successfully filled §a%s §fblocks",
"commands.function.success.single": "§7Executed §a%s §7commands from function '§d%s§7'",
"commands.function.success.multiple": "§7Executed §a%s §7commands from §d%s §7functions",
"commands.give.success.single": "Gave §a%s §d%s §fto §6%s",
"commands.give.success.multiple": "Gave §a%s §d%s §fto §6%s §fplayers",
"commands.playsound.success.single": "Played sound §d%s §fto §6%s",
"commands.playsound.success.multiple": "Played sound §d%s §fto §6%s §fplayers",
"commands.publish.success": "Multiplayer game is now hosted on port §a%s",
"commands.list.players": "There are §a%s of a max §e%s players online: §7%s",
"commands.kill.success.single": "Killed §d%s",
"commands.kill.success.multiple": "Killed §a%s §fentities",
"commands.kick.success": "Kicked §d%s§f: §7%s",
"commands.locate.success": "The nearest §d%s §fis at §a%s §f(§a%s §fblocks away)",
"commands.message.display.outgoing": "§6§oYou §7> §6§o%s§7: §d%s",
"commands.message.display.incoming": "§6§o%s§7 > §6§oyou§f: §d%s",
"commands.op.success": "Made §6%s §fa server operator",
"commands.deop.success": "Made §6%s §fno longer a server operator",
"commands.ban.success": "Banned §6%s§f: §7%s",
"commands.pardon.success": "Unbanned §6%s",
"commands.particle.success": "Displaying particle §d%s",
"commands.time.query": "The time is §a%s",
"commands.time.set": "Set the time to §a%s",
"commands.schedule.created.function": "Scheduled function '%s' in %s ticks at gametime %s",
"commands.schedule.created.tag": "Scheduled tag '%s' in %s ticks at gametime %s",
"commands.schedule.same_tick": "Can't schedule for current tick",
"commands.gamemode.success.self": "Set own game mode to §d%s",
"commands.gamemode.success.other": "Set §6%s§f's game mode to §d%s",
"commands.gamerule.query": "Gamerule §d%s §fis currently set to: §e%s",
"commands.gamerule.set": "Gamerule §d%s §fis now set to: §e%s",
"": "§eServer §7> §fAutomatic saving is now disabled",
"": "§eServer §7> §fAutomatic saving is now enabled",
"": "§eServer §7> §fSaving the game (this may take a moment!)",
"": "§eServer §7> §fSaved the game",
"commands.banlist.list": "There are §a%s §fbans:",
"commands.banlist.entry": "§6%s §fwas banned by §6%s§f: §7%s",
"commands.bossbar.create.success": "Created custom bossbar §d%s",
"commands.bossbar.remove.success": "Removed custom bossbar §d%s",
"commands.bossbar.list.bars.some": "There are §a%s §fcustom bossbars active: §d%s",
"commands.bossbar.set.players.success.none": "Custom bossbar §d%s §fno longer has any players",
"commands.bossbar.set.players.success.some": "Custom bossbar §d%s §fnow has §a%s §fplayers: §6%s",
"": "Custom bossbar §d%s §fhas been renamed",
"commands.bossbar.set.color.success": "Custom bossbar §d%s §fhas changed color",
"": "Custom bossbar §d%s §fhas changed style",
"commands.bossbar.set.value.success": "Custom bossbar §d%s §fhas changed value to §a%s",
"commands.bossbar.set.max.success": "Custom bossbar §d%s §fhas changed maximum to §a%s",
"commands.bossbar.set.visible.success.visible": "Custom bossbar §d%s §fis now visible",
"commands.bossbar.set.visible.success.hidden": "Custom bossbar §d%s §fis now hidden",
"commands.bossbar.get.value": "Custom bossbar §d%s §fhas a value of §a%s",
"commands.bossbar.get.max": "Custom bossbar §d%s §fhas a maximum of §a%s",
"commands.bossbar.get.visible.visible": "Custom bossbar §d%s §fis currently shown",
"commands.bossbar.get.visible.hidden": "Custom bossbar §d%s §fis currently hidden",
"commands.bossbar.get.players.none": "Custom bossbar §d%s §fhas no players currently online",
"commands.bossbar.get.players.some": "Custom bossbar §d%s §fhas §a%s §fplayers currently online: §6%s",
"commands.recipe.give.success.single": "Unlocked §a%s §frecipes for §6%s",
"commands.recipe.give.success.multiple": "Unlocked §a%s §frecipes for §6%s §fplayers",
"commands.recipe.take.success.single": "Took §d%s §frecipes from §6%s§f",
"commands.recipe.take.success.multiple": "Took §d%s §frecipes from §6%s§f players",
"commands.summon.success": "Summoned new §d%s",
"commands.whitelist.enabled": "Whitelist is now turned §3on",
"commands.whitelist.disabled": "Whitelist is now turned §3off",
"commands.whitelist.list": "There are §a%s §fwhitelisted players: §6%s",
"commands.whitelist.add.success": "Added §6%s §fto the whitelist",
"commands.whitelist.remove.success": "Removed §6%s §ffrom the whitelist",
"": "Set the weather to §3clear",
"": "Set the weather to §3rain",
"": "Set the weather to §3rain & thunder",
"commands.spawnpoint.success.single": "Set spawn point to §a%s§f, §a%s§f, §a%s §ffor §6%s",
"commands.spawnpoint.success.multiple": "Set spawn point to §a%s§f, §a%s§f, §a%s §ffor §6%s §fplayers",
"commands.setworldspawn.success": "Set the world spawn point to §a%s§f, §a%s§f, §a%s",
"commands.setblock.success": "Changed the block at §a%s§f, §a%s§f, §a%s",
"commands.teleport.success.entity.single": "Teleported §6%s §f> §7%s",
"commands.teleport.success.entity.multiple": "Teleported §6%s §fentities > §7%s",
"commands.teleport.success.location.single": "Teleported §6%s §f> §7%s§f, §7%s§f, §7%s",
"commands.teleport.success.location.multiple": "Teleported §6%s §fentities > §7%s§f, §7%s§f, §7%s"