Bots and Borgs

Bots and Borgs


Bots and Borgs

Want the vanilla mobs to have more of a sci-fi flare? Bots and Borgs is the resource pack for you.

Mob Preview

The rethemed mobs


This resource pack makes the following changes:

  • Rethemes minecraft:wither_skeleton to Dark Droid
  • Rethemes minecraft:stray to Ice Droid
  • Rethemes minecraft:skeleton to Droid
  • Rethemes minecraft:husk to Desert Robot
  • Rethemes minecraft:zombie to Robot
  • Rethemes minecraft:drowned to Waterlogged Robot
  • Rethemes minecraft:witch to Mad Scientist
  • Rethemes minecraft:zombie_villager to Cyborg Villager
  • Rethemes minecraft:vex to Drone
  • Rethemes minecraft:zombified_piglin to Cyborg Villager
  • Rethemes minecraft:skeleton_horse to Robot Horse
  • Rethemes minecraft:zoglin to Cyborg Hoglin
  • Renames "enchantments" to "modifiers"