This resource pack replaces default Cyrillic letters with Bulgarian straight cursive forms.
Works with Minecraft 1.13-1.19.X, but be sure to choose the right file for your version.
Following languages are fully supported: Bulgarian, Belarusian, Mongolian, Russian, Rusyn, Tatar and Ukrainian.
Unfortunately I wasn't able to localize Serbian/Macedonian љ or Kazakh/Bashkir ғ due to the limited resolution. You can still use the pack for those languages, just some characters will be unchanged.
Changed letters: в г Д д ж з и ѝ й к Л л п т ф ц ч ш щ ю ґ ѓ җ ӣ ќ
The “Unicode font” hasn't been changed.
Feel free to contact me in the comments or via social media