


Caelesti description page banner

Welcome to Caelesti!

Caelesti is an advanced vanilla+ pack which takes advantage of many hidden features that are both vanilla, and MCPatcher reliant to completely change the way that Minecraft is experienced. The pack has a huge focus on custom flora, and fauna, and attempts to improve the many inconsistencies and flaws of the original look of Minecraft.

Many of the biomes you'll find in your world will look completely different due to the complex biome specific colourmaps that are used in Caelesti, as well as unique biome based textures for complex models and custom entities.

Caelesti is an always-in-development project, with new techniques constantly being made available for MCPatcher, and a whole host of features introduced by Mojang with every update that can be changed and improved. To stay up to date with the development of Caelesti, you can subscribe to my YouTube Channel where I frequently post updates to the packs features.

Please Note

As of v0.19, Caelesti is now an MCPatcher reliant pack. This means that it includes features which simply do not work if MCPatcher is not installed. At this point the only feature which makes Caelesti "unplayable" without MCPatcher is the universal snow. The snow uses a feature called "" to turn the snow layer model into a cutout type texture. Unfortunately, this model cannot be introduced as a result of having MCPatcher installed (similar to a colourmap texture override using CTM) so it does mean that the pack will not function without it.

Almost half of the files in Caelesti are in the MCPatcher directory, so I don't quite understand why you'd be using the pack without it. I do plan on making "Caelesti Lite" in the future, which will not include any MCPatcher features, but for the time being, you can simply remove textures from the pack as you go.

Recommended Settings

Obviously you're welcome to play with Caelesti in whatever way you see fit, however, if you want to experience Caelesti in the way that I use it every day, here are my settings:

Video Settings:

Graphics: Fancy / Fabulous

Brightness: Bright (100%)


Clouds: Off

Trees: Fancy

Sky: On

Sun & Moon: On

Fog: Fast / Fancy

Vignette: Fast

Fog Start: 0.8

Swamp Colours: On

Biome Blend: 15x15 (Maximum)


Emissive Textures: On

Better Grass: Fancy

Connected Textures: Fancy

Custom Sky: On

Better Snow: On

Natural Textures: On

Suggestions & Bug Reports

I always love listening to you guys for inspiration and cool ideas to be adapted into features for the pack, and I also heavily rely on other people using the pack to experience weird and niche bugs that I wouldn't otherwise find. If you want to join the discussion, and suggest a cool feature, or simply report a bug, you can join my discord server.