CC Levels+

CC Levels+


Official Faithful Pack Addon!

A simple resource pack that provides a window for composters and cauldrons to see it's level.

A simplified version can be found here.

*The main focus of this pack is 64x64 but a 32x32 version will occasionally be posted in the files.

Q: How do i download this pack? A: Simply download the file from curseforge, in the Minecraft 'game menu' got to Options>Resource Packs and drop the downloaded .zip file into the left side and select it.

Q: When breaking a cauldron with water the particles are darker than normal are you aware of this? A: Yes, unfortunately this is a bug and there's nothing to do about this unless it gets fixed.

Q: Why do blocks connected to a composter not appear when looking through the windows? A: The composter model culls blocks connected to it, the simplified pack fixes this but removes the see through windows.