Clarity Pack

Clarity Pack


Updated for 1.19.2!!! (With an incremental update to Clarity, version

Connected textures are back! And hundreds of different villagers: multiracial, gender neutral, all kinds for all professions!

Clarity is a resource pack built on making the world less noisy. The textures are designed to be clear and simple. It is easy to see what things are, visual noise is reduced, and clutter is taken away. Here is an overview image:

Overview of Clarity texture pack

When this Is used across a landscape ... so much less nose:

Comparison of the several variants of Clarity with vanilla.

The above also shows the companion pack, Continuity, without most individual block borders. Even less noise, but some folx prefer to see the boundaries, so you can get either one.

Although visually simplified, the colors and tones are pretty faithful to vanilla. Things that look good visually in vanilla ought to look similarly in Clarity.

This is a very complete pack. Pretty much everything has been smoothed, cleaned up, and reworked.

The Clarity family has its own web site, so come on over and check it out!

One way to check it out is via my RestWorld resource pack test world, which is also on this site and my own site. Check it out!