Clear Lava and Water

Clear Lava and Water


In this texture pack I deleted water and lava overlay (under lava and water you will see very clearly). It's imported from vanilla tweaks resouce packs. This pack works on 1.17 - 1.20.1. It can help you with searching for ancient debris in nether!

There are files which are changing overlay:

fog.glsl (clear lava and water)

These mods are not supporting Clear Lava and Water:

Rubidium [Forge]

Soduim [Fabric]


Optifine is not required

You can use this pack in modpacks, but you can't pass off as one's own!!!

All bugs report me please!!!


My other useful projects:

Texture packs: No Animations (Better FPS, for slower PC):

                         Mr. Totem (Antimated Totem of Undying):

Mods: Shatr (Adds a lots of funny things, 1.16.5):