Cloud's Redstone Tripwires

Cloud's Redstone Tripwires


This is a carefully-crafted resource pack that makes all tripwire variants 3D, making them much easier to spot especially when approached at eye level - an issue with the vanilla 2D model.

The tripwire resembles string/rope, just like the string item that you place down. When attached to a tripwire hook, the wire now gains a red tint as if it is humming with redstone properties, and when stepped on, it will also glow more intensely like a powered redstone line, while getting pressed down against the ground. Each powered state of the tripwire has its own dedicated break particles.

Tripwire hooks now also look more like their vanilla inventory item, with mixels eliminated, and the wire that's part of attached hook models now connects smoothly with adjacent wire. These hooks will adopt other resource packs' plank and hook textures if you use them alongside this pack.