Code SOE

Code SOE


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Descripcion en Español: Este paquete de texturas lo hice para mi, aunque quiero que las texturas se vean bien (segun lo que pienso), tambien hice las texturas en una forma que sea realista, es decir, por ejemplo: que la mesa de encantamiento parezca obsidiana y diamantes solamente (el bloque), y cuando se coloca, el libro aparece flotando; Son detalles que, aunque muchos no les hacen caso, para mí son importantes. Las texturas principales son de 16x16, luego hay unas de 8x8.

Description in English: This texture pack I made for myself, although I want the textures to look good (according to what I think), I also made the textures in a way that be realistic, meaning, for example: that the enchantment table looks like obsidian and diamonds only (the block), and when it is placed, the book appears floating; They are details that, although many do not pay attention to them, are important to me. The main textures are 16x16, then there are a few that are 8x8.