Colourful Containers Dark Mode GUI

Colourful Containers Dark Mode GUI


Bored of Minecraft's basic user interface? Sick of approaching your enchanting table only to be presented by the same grey menu as the crafting table? Looking to add some colour into your game? Introducing Colourful Containers!

A container GUI replacement mod that hopes to match the menu to every one of Minecraft's colourful interactable blocks.

Theatricks aside, this texture pack will replace the GUI of every block like the crafting table and furnace. Each new menu will take inspiration from the block its associated with. Some are even animated!

- Anvil
- Blast Furnace
- Brewing Stand
- Cartography Table
- Chests (Large, Small, Ender) -Optifine
- Crafting Table
- Dispenser
- Dropper -Optifine
- Enchanting Table
- Furnace
- Grindstone
- Hopper
- Loom
- Shulkers (All Colours) -Optifine
- Smoker
- Stone Cutter

- Smithing Table
- Barrel
- Custom Villager GUI -Optifine
- Dark Advancement Menu
- Recipe Book
- Beacon

- Dark Loading Screen
- New Option Menu Background (Netherite Block)

Credits: Chris_XENO and BurntToast_