This resource pack is made out of many different modules that affect different parts of the game's textures in different ways.
Depending on the module, some textures get rotated 90 degrees, flipped or get their colours inverted.
Modules marked with '*Dangerous*' make the game's menus hard to navigate.
Some modules require another module to work correctly.
List Of Resource packs:
Rotated Blocks - Rotates every block texture by 90 degrees.
True Rotated Blocks - Requires 'Rotated Blocks'. Truly rotates every texture, even if doing so makes them go out of the block model.
Rotated Fluids - Rotates every fluid (Water, Lava, Nether Portal, Respawn Anchor) textures.
Rotated Vegetation - Rotates every flower/vegetation textures.
Rotated Armor - Rotates every armour texture.
Rotated Colormap - Rotates the colormap by 90 degrees.
Inverted Colormap - Inverts the colormap's colours.
Inverted Rotated Colormap - Inverts the colormap's colours and rotates it.
Rotated Items - Rotates every Item texture.
Rotated Font - *Dangerous* Makes every text undecipherable by rotating the font map.
Rotated Paintings - Rotates every painting.
Rotated Misc - Rotates miscellaneous textures (Enchantment glint, Pumpkin overlay, Nausea overlay, Sun, Moon, Rain, Snow, Clouds, End sky and Dither effect).
Rotated GUI - Rotates (or usually just flips) every GUI texture in a user-friendly way.
True Rotated GUI - *Dangerous* Rotates every GUI texture in a non-user-friendly way.
Rotated Realms GUI - Rotates (or usually just flips) every Realms GUI texture in a user-friendly way.
True Rotated Realms GUI - *Dangerous* Rotates every Realms GUI textures in a non-user-friendly way.
Inverted Particle Order - Inverts the particle animations. Example: Smoke growing instead of dissipating.
Next modules to add to my to-do list:
- Inside out models.
- Rotated inventory models.
- Rotated entity textures.