Custom item to activate the Twilight Forest portal

Custom item to activate the Twilight Forest portal


To make the portal to the Twilight Forest open with an item other than a diamond, follow the instructions:

  • Download the archive.
  • Open the archive.
  • Go to: data/twilightforest/tags/items/portal.
  • Open activator.json file.

Now you need to get the details of the item you want to replace the diamond with. You can do this by typing the combination F3+H on your keyboard (with Minecraft on), and hovering over the desired item in your inventory.

  • Enter this data in a JSON file instead of divinerpg:hellstone_ingot (!leave the quotes!).
  • Save the document and close it along with the archive.
  • Move datapack to your world in the path: C:\Users\(UserName)\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves\(WorldName)\datapacks.
  • You're done.

I recommend using OpenLoader or Paxi for easier use of datapacks in modpacks.

(I don't know English well, so I used a translator. Sorry if there are mistakes.)