Darkness Flies

Darkness Flies

New Swords! 32x32 + 64x64

New Swords! 32x32 + 64x64

The Swords are being updated and brought into 32x32 and so are other item textures! The Darkness Sword is 64x64; tell me what you think!
Blocks - Side View

Blocks - Side View

In Order: Grass, Snowy Grass, Dirt, Stone, Cobblestone, Oak Planks, Lever, Pumpkin, Daylight Sensor - Day, Daylight Sensor - Night, Cake, Bed, Pot, Redstone
Chainmail Armor

Chainmail Armor

Chainmail Armor.... Nothing More to Say AKA Darkness Armor
Slimeball + Rail

Slimeball + Rail

Not sure why these are together.... Slimeball is in the Item Frame by the way. The rail is the thing on the floor.
Acacia Wood

Acacia Wood

Acacia Log + Acacia Planks
Tamed Wolf

Tamed Wolf

Ordinary tamed wolf... look at the one with green eyes. DIFFERENCE!


It's actually See-through...


AKA Brain!! Not really; it's meant to be a Distorted transferer for mobs. Distorted meaning it forces the mob to attack player.


In Order (Top -> Bottom, Left -> Right): Wooden Sword, Diamond (Darkness) Sword, Wooden Pickaxe, Bow, Arrow (Arrow goes on bow when firing), Bread, Cake, Bed, Pot.


Enderdragon, and if you can see (Command Block)


Double Normal Chest + Enderchest + Normal Chest
Iron Bars

Iron Bars

You're going to jail now! Not really! Do you like it?
Different Colors Of Wool

Different Colors Of Wool

The Clay matches the color of the wool... deal with it.
'Tall' Grass

'Tall' Grass

It's there if you didn't notice it before!
Lapis Lazuli Ore

Lapis Lazuli Ore

It's for opening dungeons. Don't judge.
Coal Ore

Coal Ore

I might change this....
Bars Eg. Health And Hunger

Bars Eg. Health And Hunger

Do you prefer black outlines or THIS? Couldn't do Sword Cooldowns... Sorry!


I showed you different colors because... Woohoo! --------------------------------------- ~WARNING BELOW STATEMENT APPLIES FOR ME~ Sucks for you if you're colorblind ---------------------------------------
Angry Wolf

Angry Wolf

It's Demonic; and apparently gold.
Leather Armor

Leather Armor

There was meant to be a mustache here..... What happened?!


The Zombie Texture
Golden Armor

Golden Armor

Nice Eye Holes.. THANKS
Red Sandstone

Red Sandstone

Wet dirt effect; I don't know... It looks good though.. right? Going to be fixing Chiseled and that versions soon.
Iron Armor

Iron Armor

Nothing has changed; just removed the old image due to the chainmail. I'll probably change the helmet soon
Tamed Dog - Green 'Collar'

Tamed Dog - Green 'Collar'

Fun Fact: The eyes change color depending on it's Collar
Blocks - Top View

Blocks - Top View

In Order: Grass, Snowy Grass, Dirt, Stone, Cobblestone, Oak Wood, Lever, Pumpkin, Daylight Sensor - Day, Daylight Sensor - Night, Cake, Bed, Pot, Redstone