Deep Blue is a stylized and vibrant pack, with a lot of special features and a slight fantasy touch.
This pack began as a personal work but kept growing until i decided to upload it here.
Optifine is not necessary, but recommended since it's needed for the random textures and custom mob models to work.
Sheep, Cow, Pig & Skeleton quiver custom models inspired by @MushirMickeyJoe on twitter.
You can find me on twitter! You can make suggestions or share some screenshots!
Apart from replacing the default minecraft textures, this pack has the following features:
Custom Item Textures
-debug stick has a wand like texture
-enchanted golden apple is diamond colored, regular golden apple still golden
Custom Block Models
-leave blocks are more bushy
-normal grass, tall grass and nether sprouts look more natural
-lily pad model sometimes has a lily flower on top
-ferns & tall ferns are more realistic
Optifine only:
Random Blocks
-all ores
-cracked blackstone bricks
-dead bush
-blackstone & blackstone guilded
-cobblestone & mossy cobblestone
-red & brown small mushrooms
-red & brown mushroom blocks
-pumpkin & jack'o lantern
-purpur bricks
-sand & red sand
-stone slabs
-stone bricks cracked & mossy
-sugar canes
Random Mobs & Models
-bat custom model with a cute nose
-chicken custom model and biome dependent texture, spawns like a red fire chicken in the nether, and has a special texture for baby chicks
-cod biome dependant textures, spawn as koi fish in bamboo forests, or if they are named "Koi" with a name tag, there are 10 different koi textures
-cow & mooshroom custom model, has a more realistic head and regular cow has 3 variants
-creeper has biome dependent textures to blend in and camouflage with the environment
-drowned random textures, 3 variants
-ghast random textures, 3 variants
-husk random textures, 3 variants
-magma cube random textures, 3 variants
-pig custom model and biome dependent textures, has a 1 in a 25 chance to show up as a muddy pig in swamps and jungles, or if they are named "Muddy" with a name tag, also spawn as boars in snow biomes, or if they are named "Boar" with a name tag
-pillager custom model and biome dependent textures, has steve-like head and wears climate appropriate clothes
-slime random texture, has 1 in a 1000 chance to spawn as a honey slime, or if they are named "Honey" with a name tag
-spider & cave spider custom model and biome dependent textures, spawn looking like scorpions on the desert, or if they are named with a name tag "Scorpion"
-rabbit custom model with a cute nose
-ravager custom model and biome dependent textures, has a smaller less creepy head and wears different armor depending on climate
-sheep custom model and biome dependent texture, has a more realistic head and show up as goats on high altitudes and mountain biomes
-skeleton custom model and biome dependent textures, sometimes spawns with a quiver and has different colors depending on climate
-squid custom model looks more realistic
-stray custom model, sometimes spawns with a quiver
-villager & zombie villager custom model and random textures, has steve-like head, 12 different random textures and various clothes textures
-witch custom model, has steve-like head
-wolf biome dependent texture, spawn as white wolfs in snow biomes, or if they are named "Albino" with a name tag, also has 1 in a 1000 chance to spawn naturally in all other biomes
-zombie random textures, 8 variants