Deep Slate Galactic

Deep Slate Galactic


Some great changes to Minecraft inspired by DRG!!! Made to enchance basic gameplay without interfering with core game mechanics, mob behaviors, or frequently encountered situations in order to be playable on a regular basis.

- Dependancies - 

Requires additional mods for full functionality, but all features will still work with a vanilla client. Links and credit to the required mods can be found in the following lines:

Better End Sky mod by Jet_Mouse:

Optifine: required for applying custom models

- Features -

- I Think I Can See the Space Rig from Up Here
   Changes the default end sky to the sky around the space rig, including Hoxxies and all! If used without the required mod, will change the end sky to a slightly recolored version of the default texture that more resembles space outside the Space Rig.

NOTE: The End Dragon turns the end sky a dark purple color while the fight is active, this effect will hide both the green tinted sky texture and the detailed modded sky.

- We Got a Dreadnought!!! I Mean... Dragon!!!
   Changes the boring end dragon boss fight music that can barely be heard to a selection of songs that play during dreadnought fights. Should hopefully make the end dragon a little more fun to battle!

- Feels Just Like Home
   Changes the ambient end music to the background music heard throughout the space rig and memorial hall, as well as a few ambient tracks played during calm portions of missions.

- Mactera Plague
   Changes the noises phantoms make while attacking to Mactera Grabber sounds, including the classic attacking scream, distant scream, attacking, and damage noises.

- Kill Anything With More Legs Than 2
   There's gunts heading your way, and a whole lot of'm! Changes the textures and idle sounds of spiders and cave spiders into glyphid grunts and glyphid swarmers. Will also change the front legs into the proper model with help from the Optifine mod.

NOTE: Requires Optifine to fully apply new models, but sounds and textures will still apply without Optifine.

- Exploder Infestation
   Changes the creeper prime noise from the default fuse to the exploder priming noise. Does not affect any other explosion sources like tnt. (is a little strange, noise plays multiple times when a creeper is primed for some reason)

- Not so Scary
   Changes music disk 11 to an absolute bop... never leave another music disk behind while looting ever again!

- For Rock and Stone!
   Changes goat horn "Seek" to a mix of all the dwarf salutes. If only the horn cooldown was shorter...

- Greatest Hits
   Replaces the vanilla spash texts with several, several dozen of some of the more iconic voice lines from the dwarves and Mission Control. Splash texts are the randomized yellow text that appears on the game's main menu screen.