This resource pack requires Optifine, CIT Resewn, or any other mod which adds support for Custom Item Textures.
This resource pack adds four new types of pirate hats (which come in a plethora of colors), cutlasses, and a pirate hook through custom item models for carved pumpkins, swords, and the hoe respectively. This pack doesn't outright replace the carved pumpkin model and it does not allow the placing of pirate hats! This pack should be compatible with all other packs, so long as they don't change the pumpkin blur effect to something that isn't completely transparent.
How to Get Pirate Hats
Renaming carved pumpkins to any of the following names (not case sensitive) will turn them into the type of pirate hat specified.
- Tricorn (three-sided)
- Bicorn (two-sided)
- Turned bicorn (turned to have the brims facing the left and right)
- Cavalier (bicorn with one brim tilted down)
Additionally, all pirate hats must have a color before the type in their name. Any of the following are valid colors:
- White
- Light gray/grey
- Gray
- Black
- Brown
- Leather
- Red
- Orange
- Yellow
- Green
- Lime
- Mint
- Cyan
- Light blue
- Blue
- Magenta
- Pink
For example, naming a carved pumpkin mint tricorn will work, but naming it tricorn, mint, or tricorn mint will not work.
How to Get Cutlasses and Hooks
Renaming an iron hoe to include the word hook will turn it into a hook and renaming any sword to include the word cutlass will turn it into a cutlass. Pretty straightforward if you ask me.
Feel free to use this pack anywhere, I just ask that you credit me and link back to this page (or the PMC page) if you do!