Diagon Alley

Diagon Alley


Notice: I'm not active in the Minecraft Community any more, so Updates may or may not arrive in the Future. I further updated the Diagon Alley Pack to feature the GNU v3 license, allowing for further modification and more uses, as I'm fine with them. Be free to modify the pack and publish the modified pack. I had another few updates to the pack planned, so I might do these at one point.

Do you build a Diagon Alley in Minecraft? This Resource Pack might help you, you can test it if you want

This is still in Beta, there might be some bugs, it would be good, if you say them to me




jungle_button=placeable Ollivanders-Wand

waped_button= Wand on a pillow

paper with Custom Model Data 1=Elder Wand


nether_brick_fence=Potage's Cauldron Shop Sign

jungle_fence=Ollivander's Sign

crimson_fence=Leaky Cauldron Sign

The Cauldron have a realistic custom model that MrCrafish takes credit of.

You can use the Resource Pack free even public (youtube for example), you can credit me if you want.

If you have suggestions, write it into the Comments.

Github: https://github.com/DavidCGranger/DiagonAlleyMCPack