Diverse Armors

Diverse Armors


Good day to you

Have you ever thought minecraft armors were boring, or looking too much alike ?

Well I have the right thing for you if you're looking for mostly realistic armors with inspiration taken from European History

All this pack does is change the look of the armor, not the item icon.

Now onto the armors

Leather armor

Leather armor, scaled leather to be precise

Leather armor has no real real life counter part, unless you go prehistoric period so it's more or less fantasy-ish armor

Chainmail armor

Chain mail armor, 12th century inspired

Chainmail armor, not the prettiest nor my favorite, but it still works, inspired by 11th and 12th century western european knights

Iron armor

gothic-ish steel plate armor, with a sallet helmet

Iron armor, or should I say steel plate armor is the stereotypical armor of the late middle ages, works well with a basic player cape

Gold Armor

Gold Armor don't really exist, at least I couldn't find real life equivalents, so I made a 16/17th century royal armor

with a crown looking sorta like the crown of the UK

Diamond Armor

Looks like a thing from the past heh ?

This is a bit weird, diamond armor looks like roman/greek officer armor, but it still has the spirit of diamond armor right ?

It's not like diamond could be a material to make an armor

Netherite Armor

now we are exiting the middle ages... by at least a few years

And finally Netherite armor, I took inspiration from early cuirassier armor, which was browned, gaving it a sinister look

perfect for the most resistant armor of the base game

So there it is, I'd appreciate any criticism and any opinions.

I tested it myself, it works like a charm, I'll probably update it for the upcoming 1.18, but probably not for earlier versions.

Have fun !