Dragon Mounts 2 - Nostalgic Dragons

Dragon Mounts 2 - Nostalgic Dragons


Welcome to the Nostalgic Dragons resource pack! This pack is a mod support for Dragon Mounts 2, a resurrection of a very old mod. It offers new textures for every single dragon (excluding zombie) that the mod offers. This resource pack is available in any of the DM2 versions 1.5.2+

"I am a developer of the mod Dragon Mounts 2 and the main developer of the mod gave me permission to post these, even for revenue. I created every single texture for this resource pack and have made most of the textures for the mod as well. This resource pack was developed mostly to feed my creativity for dragon designs." - Kingdomall

How to use:

1. Install the resource pack

2. Go to %appdata% > .minecraft > resourcepacks and drag and drop

3. You should see the pack ingame.

Please note that other players won't be able to see the resource pack like you unless they have it installed too.

If you wish to check out the actual mod, here's the link:


There is nothing changed in this resource pack aside from dragon textures.
